
July 9, 2019

Why BOURN Relentless?

Have you ever taken a moment to think about your origins? Not your birth, but the beginning of your intentional, fight-for-it journey toward the person you want to be? Some of you started that journey with a light-beaming epiphany, some of you experienced a gentle, almost unnoticed transition from old to new. No matter where you are today or how you got here, I believe one thing to be true: every day you have the opportunity to change your story. But—epiphany or gradual change—you have to be relentless about your desire to become the person you want to be.
I created BOURN Relentless out of this belief. I want to live healthier, push my limits, and dominate each day. I want to make sure that everything I put into my body does, too. Each product is carefully formulated to keep up with the demands of a Relentless lifestyle, and I’m excited to share my journey with you.
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Have you ever taken a moment to think about your origins? Not your birth, but the beginning of your intentional, fight-for-it journey toward the person you want to be? Some of you started that journey with a light-beaming epiphany, some of you experienced a gentle, almost unnoticed transition from old to new. No matter where you are today or how you got here, I believe one thing to be true: every day you have the opportunity to change your story.

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